
Strategic Partners


The Institute of Leadership and Management is considered one of the most important strategic partners for , obtained the accreditation (ILM) in Britain since 2011.

The institute operates through a network of accredited centers around the world. Where accreditation is made after ensuring that standardized accreditation standards are available in terms of human resources, training materials and means that achieve compliance with international quality standards.

Centers, including completion, are subject to permanent follow-up by audit centers located in some cities to ensure The center's commitment to agreed quality standards.

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Strategic Partners


One of the most important alliances is achieving its alliance with Thomas wich is established by Dr. Thomas Handrickson in 1960s. Sold the rights to Thomas International U.K based in Marlow in 1980s. Thomas International provides a range of objective management systems and business assessment tools in the relation to people. Thomas International is one of the top 2 international assessment companies.

As a leading global provider of people assessment tools to empower the recruit, retain and develop the right people for the business and passionate about using the industry expertise to transform the performance of the people for maximum business impact.

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Strategic Partners


The program for measuring and analyzing the employee experience provided by ZENITHR works to transform employees' ideas and observations into action plans that help build a healthy work culture, raise performance rates, and promote innovation in the work environment.

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